Sunday 30 October 2011

House Museum of Tolstoy

   On October 20th 2011, I went to house museum of Tolstoy in a small city called Tula. The city was quite far away from Moscow. The travel took about 3 hours to reach the destination. While I was on the car, I heard some stories about Tolstoy. For example, how he lived and what kind of books he wrote and sometimes the summary of them. It was very impressive that even though Tolstoy was rich and high in position, he was against other nobles and their wealth. Morever, I was surprised that Tolstoy had effects on Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Martin Luther King.

   When I arrived at the house, I bought a ticket to enter and to listen to the guide. Unfortunately, the guide could not speak in English so I hardly understood her speech. I saw Tolstoy's chair and his small library and they were impressive because it helped me thinking of his life. After I finished looking around Tolstoy's house, my party went to see his grave. I walked for 15 minutes and I saw his grave. I couldn't understand why he made his grave so small without any splendours. But immediately, I realised that Tolstoy was a person against wealth and remained in his will that he didn't want to have a slendourous grave.

   I learned a lot about Tolstoy as I went to his real house. Before I visite his house I did not know about Tolstoy this much. I only knew that he was a famous writer and he wrote many things about truthful lives. Additionally, I planned for this activity in a way of invastigating about him thus I could understand easier when I get the place. The learning outcomes are :

- Increased my awareness of my own strengths and areas for growth.

- Planned and Initiated New Activities

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