Sunday 30 October 2011

International Day

   The international day was special for me in this year because I needed to provide an international activity with other yr 12 students to please young students. I thought the activity should entertain them and also should make them feel more unified each other. So I and other Koreans in yr 12 decided to offer Kimbab making programme. We thought that this activity would entertain the students and they will get an experience of how to make korean food. Thus this activity is related to international day.

    During the period of planning this activity, we also had a lot of things to know. For example, we needed to know what kind of ingredients are included and how to roll kimbab well. We decided who would bring some specific ingredients and equipments. On international day, we were free in the first period so we used the time to set up all the materials we needed. We were sometimes not sure about the name of equipment so we just put some koreans on the board so they could even learn some Koreans. In the second period, yr 11 students who were in the house of Gogol and Pushkin came to our class. We gave them the ingredients and they tried to make Kimbab according to the example of which we performed in front of the class at the beginning of the period. The class didn't go as we planned. Students made two Kimbabs per each team and there was nothing to do after that. At last we felt sorry for them. Therefore, we decided not to save the ingredients thus they could enjoy the period more. As soon as the third period started, yr 10 Gogol and Pushkin students came into our room. This period went much better than the second period so that we were even proud of ourselves. I'm sure that the students also had fun in our class.

   On international day, I learned lots of things such as how to make Kimbab. The most impressive part of the day for me was when I talked to students how to make Kimbab then they succeeded in making Kimbab. I was so proud of them and also myself. International day in this year also provided me a new challenge because until last year I was one of the students who take the activities however, in this year, I was one of IB students who should provide other students a funny international activity. To offer them a good activity, we, all Koreans, planned and prepared a lot. As we did that, it was also an event that we could be closer to each other and we now can understand more than before. 

- Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth.
- Undertaken New Challenges
- Planned and Initiated New Activities
- Worked Collaboratively With Others

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