Saturday 13 October 2012


I was always interested in sketching so I thought that it would be a good idea if I draw some sketch over the summer holidays and so on. I at first focused on the landscape and then focused on a backside of a ballerina. When I was doing IGCSE art, I always had problems to draw a person realistically. Therefore my desire to focus on a person was really high. I had completed two pieces of art works which are not focused on face yet. I was satisfied with my works so I decided to focus more on face next time.

  • Developing new skills
    • I felt that I have developed my skill through the these works. I looked up the internet so as that I can understand my problems and develop my new skills.
  • Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth
    • I have also increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth through this activity. I want to work on more drawing so that I can increase more strengths of art.
  • Showing perseverance and commitment
    • While I was completing these works, I spent about 1 hour to 2 hours. Moreover, I needed to erase a lot so that I could make satisfied works

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