Wednesday 3 October 2012

Tabloid Newspaper Front Page

   In Mr Parker's English class, we have deconstructed the tabloid newspaper. The tabloid's general features were red top with its name of the newspaper, some ears which are represented shortly about news, bold title so that it can easily catch the attention of the audience. Tabloid newspaper's average reading age is said to be around 7 thus the news titles are usually all simple or catchy.
   I spent time to think about the name of the newspaper and I eventually got 'Bracing news' which may remind of 'breaking news'. Moreover, for the contents of the newspaper, I tried to find sensational articles from BBC and also from the other newspaper web page. Those articles are mostly from the UK except the woman - 'Paris Hilton' who are from the USA. I put the article about her so that the newspaper can be more international.

   However, Mr Parker has recommended me that I can develop this front page by abashing the number of words for the titles of news articles. He said that tabloid newspaper article does not really have 'verb' in their articles and also said that the actual article will not appear on the front page rather the journalist would like to say 'see pg 11' or 'continued pg 11'. Therefore I decided to develop the weaknesses that I have it now so that I can be satisfied myself and also develop my skills.

From this activity..
  • Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth
    • It was the first time that I heard that there are two main types of newspaper - tabloid newspaper and broad sheet newspaper. From this activity, I realised the differences between two types of newspapers and singularly, it was a chance to learn about the stucture of a tabloid newspaper in detail.
  • Developing new skills
    • During making the front page, I used photoshop for layout and putting pictures that I needed. From this activity, I learned to delete the background of a picture like shown for the summary of the article about Paris hilton.
  • Planned and initiated activities
    • In order to make a front page, I needed to make sure what kind of articles should go and where they have to be located. So it was a planned activity.
  • Undertaking new challenges
    • It was the first time that I attempted to make a newspaper front page therefore, I was also hard to me to figure out the general structure of the tabloid newspaper. But I googled a lot about the tabloid front page and it helped to get a satisfied result even though it was a new challenge.

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