Thursday 23 February 2012

Valentine's Day

  By 14th of February, our school organised a disco for Valentine's day. One week before we had the disco, I made 2 kinds of posters to inform younger students that we would organise a Valentine disco. There were a letter box for students who wanted to send a card to someone who they like. It costed 30 rubles to send one card. There were a lot of students who sent cards and I also got 2 from my friends. Some students brought their cup cakes to sell them to others. I also tasted some and it was good. We raised money in this kind of way to donate for an organisation called 'Moscow dogs'.

  On the day, the disco began from 4 pm to 7 pm. Before the disco starts, we decorated the hall with some decorations which we all needed to bring in. During the disco, young students came in and seemed they enjoyed the disco. However the most pitifullest fact that I thought was there weren't enough songs and familiar songs for young students so I thought it might have caused an unexpected boredom. Younger students would have liked the disco if there were much more familiar songs that they could sing out loud. Thus, it came to my mind as the way how we can improve the disco next time. Additionally, at the disco we provided students a snack bar so that they can buy some snacks and some other students sold sandwiches with different ingredients in the next room. Sandwiches tasted good and evantually yr 12 and yr 13 earned huge amount of money for donation.

- Undertaken a New Challenge as it was my first time organising a disco.
- Worked collaboratively with others
- Considered the ethical implications of our actions
- Organising a Disco was an initiated activity

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