Tuesday 13 March 2012

Winter Activity Day

   On 13th of March, our school had a winter activity day. Thus, IB students were divided into groups of 2 or 3 in order to provide young people some winter activities. I , Nasha and Matanat decided to provide them a snowmen making activities. We brought some decorations such as scarves and carrots moreover, we also took some stuffs which had left after jumble sale from CAS room in BIS3. On that day, we had 4 groups untill we finish the school. We had year 9 and 7 students and we gave them some decorations so that they can enjoying decorating snowmen. I also helped kids making snowmen with sprays. There were a lot of ideas which was not based on the basic snowmen with a carrot and a hat. Especially, yr 10 was really passionated in making a snowman for their houses. One of them was a mouse and the other one was a face scrupture. After students have done making a snowman for their group, they were graded and some students had a photo time with their fellows.

   I undertaken a new challenge because I have never made a snowman in a big size before as it is not snowing much in Korea. Also, it is a new challenge to provide kids a snow activity. This snowmen activity was a planned and initiated activities as well. Our group prepared some decorations and planned what we will act when kids come to us for the activity. As we haven't got many decorations we could not let them choose what they want. We gave them about 3 to 5 decorations per each group. I worked collaboratively with others as I had 2 members - Nasha and Matanat. When we needed to get some stuffs from school, one stayed outside managing kids and others went to get the stuffs that we needed. I developed new skills which were getting well with young students and making snowmen well.

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