Saturday 16 June 2012

Donating Clothes

I decided to donate clothes which became small for me so I don't wear anymore and also I found some books and accessories in my house. At first I wanted to donate them into an orphanage but I realised that there is a small school next to my house. Eventually I decided to visit there and donated my clothes, books and accesories. The books were in English so I thought that it will be good for kids so as to study English. I went there with my Russian teacher and explained that I wanted to donate clothes, books and accessories and the school was happy to get them. I hoped that I want them to be suit for the kids. I made up my mind to visit the school when I also have something to help.  
From this activity,
  • I have undertaken a new challenge 
    It was a new experience for me to donate things in foreign country and I think I felt more proud than I did in Korea.
  • I considered the ethical implications of my actions. 
    I also tried to organise my stuffs to suit for them. For example, I made an effort to put what the kids may like and be helped such as English books.

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