Friday 16 September 2011

Sports Day

    On Thursday, our school had sports day. Every student in BIS3 was involved in each one of houses - Pushkin, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Gogol. My house was Gogol and I wore a blue top as my team color was blue.

     At first, in the morning, yr 12 and yr 13 students all gathered outside of school building to play dodgeball. It was sort of different from dodgeball that I have known and played in Korea. Unfortunately, my team, Gogol, did not get much points from dodgeball. As the next game, we had football, basketball, running to the gym and coming back to the start point, volleyball, Mr Tome's game and relay after lunch time. I played dodgeball and Mr Tome's game, running with Mr Weever and relay. I have not run for a long time so my legs hurt so much after I ran. The most impressive scene was when yr 12 and 13 students were holding others' hands and finished the line all together. I was clapping when I saw them running together.

     After the sports day was over, I was aware that my strengths has increased. I could feel that  right after I ran around the school. My house members worked together to get house score. The relay and all the sports are the examples. I learned that even if there are good players, if we do not communicate and not co-operate, it's hard to win the game. In addition, as I mentioned before, the best part of the collaboration was finishing relay all together. Yr 12 and 13 students had that idea and we planned to finish all together. Some yr 13 students persuaded the last runners regarding the idea. I was really proud of people who finished the final line because there was no one who did break the plan. I felt yr 12 and 13 students were so united. Furthermore, by misfortune, I did not have many opportunities to play sports as I am not good at playing sports so indeed it became hard to say that I developd my sports skills. I hope that there will be more chances of playing sports. Yet to achieve it, I am supposed to develop my sports skills by myself.

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